Alvise in Brussels: the catharsis that does not come while the cases against him intensify

Luis ‘Alvise’ Pérez made it very clear on countless occasions why he wanted to be an MEP: to be certified before the Supreme Court and protected to continue developing what he calls, with different names, his fight against corruption and the system. Three months after collecting his report and promising a battery of compromising audios that do not arrive, the leader of ‘Se Acabó La Fiesta’ faces a very different scenario from the one he drew during the campaign: multiple investigations unrelated to any fight against corruption and some appearances in Brussels that are limited to videos about superfluous expenses in the European Parliament as well as interventions rebuking other Spanish MEPs. All while the extreme right refuses to welcome him into its fold.

Alvise’s Telegram channel has almost 710,000 followers. A slight and momentary decrease after exclusively published that he collected 100,000 euros in cash from a businessman specialized in cryptocurrencies and impossible investments, but almost double the followers he had before launching his candidacy for the European elections of the past month of June. Hundreds of thousands of people who have been consuming promises for years about the advent of a “catharsis” of the system that has not yet reached the hands of the former Ciudadanos advisor.

The mixture of announcement, promise and threat came minutes after collecting his MEP record in Congress. “We will publish a series of audios, a series of documents, that affect the cream of judges, courts of law, magistrates, journalists and public officials and political parties that have, literally, looted the institutions,” he stated in his first appearance as an elected official. He went further and cited the crimes he was going to uncover: influence peddling, bribery and prevarication. The jack, the horse and the king of political corruption.

The ultra agitator issued his warning in the first days of July. A month and a few days before, he had gone to the Salamanca neighborhood of Madrid to collect the 100,000 euros in cash that a businessman in the cryptocurrency sector had promised him to, according to what Alvise said in the messages exchanged between the two, finance his electoral campaign. Conversations in which Alvise had previously committed to legislate in favor of the cryptocurrency sector and even to influence in its favor when it was key to the Government for PP and Vox in the future.

Three and a half months later, it is Alvise who is under the scrutiny of the Prosecutor’s Office for the possible illegal financing of his campaign with money collected in black and with a total opacity of the income with which he finances his political activity. For that and for many other issues that at the time he sold as a fight against corruption and that for the judges are, at least indirectly, crimes of revealing secrets, threats or harassment. Against a judge from Seville, against a PSOE deputy, against Salvador Illa or against one of the daughters of the President of the Government.

The agitator and MEP has been stating on his Telegram channel for years that his goal is to fight corruption in the party system, although, for the moment, his publications have not resulted in judicial cases against corruption nor has he revealed key details of cases in march that had not already been published by the media. This same week he posted a photo of himself “celebrating the success of four years of investigation against Ábalos, Koldo and De Aldama” although the proceedings opened in the National Court make no reference to his publications. The complaint filed by the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office clearly explains that the origin of its suspicions about Koldo García is a complaint filed by the Madrid PP in March 2022.

For a time, Alvise’s “fight” also focused on publishing photographs that his followers or “squirrels” sent him of different politicians or journalists in restaurants, stores or even in their homes. Messages with which he implied that he had caught those affected red-handed when they were in moments of their private life. Some of these photos have cost him civil sentences, such as the 7,000 euros he must pay to journalist Ana Pastor.

His channel has more than 700,000 followers although his publications are rarely seen by a third of his parish. A parish that won more than 800,000 votes in the European elections but that has also gone through moments of disappointment in the last year. For example, when he took thousands of people from Ferraz Street to the Congress of Deputies to sit in and go “to dinner” before the riot police began charging.

From “catharsis” to videos

That disappointment has not prevented Se Acabó La Fiesta from winning three seats in Brussels last June. Not even that some polls would grant him representation in the Congress of Deputies today if general elections were held. But there are also many comments that ask, post after post, about the audios that he said he was going to reveal and has not revealed. Or those who have not been satisfied with his explanations about how collecting 100,000 euros in cash from a businessman is a form of fiscal rebellion against the system. The monthly draw for his MEP salary remains the high point of communion with his followers.

At a political level, the far-right MEP has stood out for rebuke Irene Montero and for voting against public aid to the Fighting Bull. The European Parliament analyzes whether Alvise broke the rules by addressing the former minister and Podemos parliamentarian to ask if her policies for the “reduction of abused women” are based on “killing them yourself with your policies or on regularizing millions of Africans so that “Do they put an end to them themselves?”

The catharsis of the system that has been promised for years, therefore, has not arrived nor does it seem to have stepped on the accelerator with the arrival of SALF to the European Parliament. The ambiguously aggressive language with which the MEP has been haranguing his followers for some time clashes, at least for the moment, with the reality of his actions and their consequences. Consequences that, for the moment, have only resulted in several criminal investigations opened against him both in different courts and in the Supreme Court and the Prosecutor’s Office.

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