Arándiga, the Zaragoza town that is committed to urban regeneration and care to stop depopulation

In the province of Zaragoza, a municipality of just 266 inhabitants is struggling to survive in the midst of the depopulation that affects many rural towns in Aragon. Arándiga has seen its population decrease by almost 27% in the last decade, especially in the active population, which has generated a growing economic dependence and a deficit in care services for the elderly and dependent people. The population pyramid of the municipality shows a regressive trend, with a low birth rate and accelerated aging of the population.

Faced with this situation, the City Council has proposed the Urban Regeneration and Care Economy Laboratory, an innovative project that seeks to “transform the municipality through the regeneration of deteriorated urban areas and the promotion of an economy focused on the care of people, all This is done under a lasting and inclusive approach,” explain the promoters of this initiative promoted by the City Council and the specialized consulting firm Rural Bridge.

The first action to be implemented is a care economy innovation unit, which will focus on the training of caregivers and the introduction of assistive technology, including a digital “handyman” service for older people, as well as a Shared mobility to facilitate access to essential services. In addition, “community support networks will be established to help caregiver families and innovative research and projects will be promoted in collaboration with universities. This strategy seeks not only to address current needs, but also to build a more efficient care system in the future,” they say.

Friendly corners

Another key component of the project is the development of a “friendly corners” pilot project, which will transform empty lots and unused areas into squares and green spaces. The City Council foresees a participatory process in which residents will collaborate in the design of these spaces, ensuring that they adapt to the needs of the community. In the first phase, two or three spaces will be created, with a total of 17 proposals aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to cover all the dimensions of these long-term objectives.

The plan includes the selection of plots, sustainable design, community maintenance and the organization of activities to promote social cohesion. Additionally, the process will be documented so that it can be replicated in other municipalities with similar challenges.

The “Urban Regeneration and Care Economy Laboratory” aims to address local problems of depopulation and urban deterioration, as well as “become a national reference in the interrelation between urban regeneration and the SDGs. Community participation and sustainability are fundamental pillars of this project, which also contemplates the creation of collaboration networks with other municipalities to share experiences and good practices,” the consultancy explains.

With the collaboration of Rural Bridge, a consultancy specialized in rural development, the Arándiga City Council has presented this project to the call for the 2024 Demographic Challenge of the Ministry of Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge (MITECO). The financing of 200,000 euros that they are seeking to obtain will allow the municipality to begin the necessary works and actions to revitalize its economy and, in the long term, stop the loss of inhabitants.

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