The “gateway” to collect the minimum vital income from the unemployment benefit will begin to operate in November

The announced “gateway” to move from unemployment benefits to the Minimum Living Income (IMV), and thus prevent unemployed people from being left without any type of protection, will begin to operate next November, the general secretary explained this Thursday. of Inclusion, Elena Rodríguez. Minister Elma Saiz has added that the short information telephone number on the IMV 020 will also be available starting the same month.

It is a measure, announced since the time of Minister José Luis Escrivá in 2021, and in which Inclusion has been working with the Sepe and the Ministry of Labor throughout this time, explained Elena Rodríguez. Specifically, it will be available from November 22.

“It is one of the most positive measures that has been taken in recent months,” Rodríguez responded, with a view to increasing the number of recipients of the IMV and reduce the so-called non-take-up, people entitled to aid who do not receive it.

The announcement took place at the press conference given by the Minister of Inclusion, Elma Saiz, and the Secretary General of Inclusion, on the occasion of the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty.

Saiz has highlighted that the IMV reaches 661,640 homes in which almost two million people live (1,993,559), although he has maintained that there is still room to continue improving the protection of the state minimum income. “We are not satisfied, the IMV is a living policy that we are going to continue improving so as not to leave anyone behind,” he stated.

It will not be official recognition

The transfer of unemployment benefit recipients to IMV collection will not be automatic, the Ministry of Inclusion indicates. That is, there will not be an ex officio recognition of the minimum vital income.

But, thanks to the data crossing achieved in these months between the SEPE and the INSS, both administrations will communicate to facilitate the perception of the IMV, in the cases of those people who meet the requirements of the state minimum income.

The objective, indicated in the Ministry headed by Elma Saiz, is that people whose subsidy runs out are not left without any type of income or social coverage.

Elena Rodríguez has explained that, among people entitled to the IMV and who do not request it, there are 40% who receive some income. Of them, “they receive unemployment benefits in most cases,” he added.

“This is not the time to withdraw from this fight.”

Minister Elma Saiz has sent a message to the Autonomous Communities, to which she has asked for “co-responsibility” in the face of the reduction of regional minimum incomes against poverty after the implementation of the Minimum Vital Income.

“Twelve of the 17 autonomous communities” have reduced their minimum incomes, Saiz lamented, in addition to the two autonomous cities, they have chosen to reduce them. According to the annual analysis of the Ministry of Social Rights, Those that have reduced their budget the most since 2020 are Aragón and Madrid.

“This is not the time for anyone to withdraw from this fight,” Saiz stated. A message that he will insist on next Monday, when the IMV Monitoring Commission will be held in Navarra, with the Autonomous Communities and the federation of municipalities.

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