In addition to voting for the presidency of Mexicocitizens in Chiapas They will decide on the governorship, 24 relative majority deputations, 123 municipal presidencies, 875 councilors, 16 proportional representation deputations and 123 relative majority unions.
Until now, the National Electoral Institute (INE) has indicated that not all voting booths will be able to be installed in the state, since various indigenous communities have opposed carrying out the electoral process based on their uses and customs.
Chiapas will also elect the next mayors of the 125 municipalities that the entity has: Acacoyagua, Acala, Acapetahua, Altamirano, Amatán, Amatenango de la Frontera, Amatenango del Valle, Angel Albino Corzo, Arriaga, Bejucal de Ocampo, Bella Vista, Berriozábal, Bochil, El Bosque, Cacahoatán, Catazajá, Cintalapa , Coapilla, Comitán de Domínguez, La Concordia, Copainalá, Chalchihuitán, Chamula, Chanal, Chapultenango, Chenalhó, Chiapa de Corzo, Chiapilla, Chicoasén, Chicomuselo, Chilón, Escuintla, Esperanza de Comalapa, Francisco León, Frontera Comalapa, Frontera Hidalgo, La Greatness, Huehuetán, Huixtán, Huitiupán, Huixtla, La Independencia, Ixhuatán, Ixtacomitán, Ixtapa, Ixtapangajoya, Jiquipilas, Jitotol, Juárez, Larráinzar, La Libertad, Mapastepec, La Magdalena Tlacotepec, Malpaso, María Elena, Marin, Mazapa de Madero, Mazatán , Metapa, Mitontic, Motozintla, Nicolás Ruíz, Ocosingo, Ocotepec, Ocozocoautla de Espinosa, Ostuacán, Osumacinta, Oxchuc, Palenque, Pantelhó, Pantepec, Pichucalco, Pijijiapan, El Porvenir, Villa Comaltitlán, Pueblo Nuevo Solistahuacán, Rayón, Reforma, Las Rosas , Sabanilla, Salto de Agua, San Cristóbal de las Casas, San Fernando, Siltepec, Simatán, Simojovel, Sitalá, Socoltenango, Solosuchiapa, Soyaló, La Trinitaria, Tumbalá, Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Tuxtla Chico, Tuzantán, Tzimol, Unión Juárez, Venustiano Carranza , Villa Corzo, Villaflores, Yajalón, San Lucas, Zinacantán, San Juan Cancuc, Aldama, Benemérito de las Américas, Maravilla Tenejapa, Marqués de Comillas, Monte Cristo de Guerrero, San Andrés Duraznal, Santiago el Pinar, Santiago la Frontera, Santiago el Pinar, Siltepec, Simojovel, Sitalá, Socoltenango, Solosuchiapa, Soyaló, La Trinitaria, Tumbalá, Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Tuxtla Chico, Tuzantán, and Tzimol.
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