Is the balance be it stability they are fundamental components that are used to allow us to move safely and agilely in the surrounding space. Otherwise, normal, everyday activities such as simply walking, climbing stairs or running would become much more complex. These two aspects can be strengthened and improved thanks to proprioceptive training.
Proprioception: that’s what it’s all about
When using the term of proprioception reference is made to the ability of every single human being to perceive the position of their body in space and in the same way to perceive its movement. Thanks to this skill we are all capable of maintain balanceto react to external stimuli without having to think too much about what to do and also to coordinate movements.
All this is possible thanks to the presence of some receptors which are found in different parts of the body, such as in the muscles, joints, skin and tendons: it is precisely these that continuously send information to the central nervous system. This information concerns, for example, the position in space of the various parts of the body, the force used, the muscle tension and much more.
It is important to know that balance can be improved and which can vary from day to day, given that, for example, when you are more tired you may have more difficulties than when you are rested. In any case, however, it is possible to improve one’s proprioception, in such a way as to be able to counteract agingjoint trauma and other problems that can compromise one’s stability.
It is precisely in this case that you can rely on a proprioceptive training, which reinforces and stimulates the neural mechanisms that are responsible for the movement and position of the body. There are specific exercises that allow you to acquire greater awareness and greater control at a motor level.
The benefits of proprioceptive training: 6 aspects not to be underestimated
This kind of proprioceptive training it can be performed by anyone, not necessarily only in case of problems already present, but also as prevention. In fact, there are various benefits that can be obtained, such as:
- Improve balance and stability: thanks to’proprioceptive training you go to strengthen your ability to maintain a stable position, as well as learn to react quickly to any imbalances;
- Reduction of the risk of accidents: obviously the greater your control over balance, the less likely you will be to fall or suffer injuries or trauma to muscles and joints, especially if you are carrying out a demanding physical activity;
- Improve coordination: by activating different muscle chains, with theproprioceptive training the neuromuscular system is stimulated and consequently the coordination activity between the different muscles is improved;
- Have one greater awareness of oneself: furthermore, it is also possible to develop greater awareness of one’s posture, interaction with the surrounding environment and one’s movements;
- Improve your own sports performances: if you are an athlete this type of training helps you to be more agile, reactive and precise in your movements;
- For rehabilitation: finally, these exercises are used in the rehabilitation programs of people who have suffered joint injuries, or who have neurological disorders.
If you decide to start following a similar path, you need to remember that your body needs time before achieving certain results. Precisely for this reason at the beginning you must always start with some fairly simple exercisesand then gradually increase their complexity: in fact, without the bases and foundations one cannot think of building a building.
Furthermore, you shouldn’t just focus on certain exercises, but try to diversify them, in such a way as to stimulate the receptors of different parts of the body. However, always turning to professionals, you can then use different tools to make the job more complex, such as unstable surfaces.
Some examples of proprioceptive exercises
Just to give a more practical idea of what they might actually be proprioceptive exercisesbelow are some examples of the same:
- While sitting, you can rest the sole of your foot on one proprioceptive tablet or on a ball and rotate clockwise and then counterclockwise, or move the ankle back and forth, or from right to left, and vice versa;
- While standing, try to maintain balance first on one leg and then on the other;
- Run forward or sideways and stop with a single-leg lunge;
- Perform quadriceps, hamstring or quadriceps stretches on a board
However, the ideal is to always perform the exercises under the supervision of a professional to receive correct indications and feedback.
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