“Do you know what the real secret is to not having back problems? Keeping fit and not putting too much strain on the spine.” Like a doctor among doctors, the actor and director Carlo Verdone inaugurated the 45th National Congress of the Italian Society of Spinal Surgery and the Italian Scoliosis Group ‘Sicv&Gis’ in Rome with a keynote address entitled ‘Back pain, this is known’. “It is a pathology – explained Verdone – which has various levels of treatment. I try to keep it under control but no one ever says I’m a hypochondriac anymore. She’s a bitch born on the set of ‘Damned the Day I Met You’, although I must say that I saved the lives of several people. Like when I diagnosed colon cancer in a friend of mine who survived thanks to my surgery. Once he healed, he thanked me and does he know what you did? He offered me a gricia. Well, he could have done a little more.”
At the end of the lectio magistralis, Verdone was subjected to a test to become an honorary member of Sicv&Gis. What is epistropheus? And the tail? And what is meant by kyphoplasty? The national Carlo, impeccable, passed the exam with flying colours. “Fortunately – said the actor – they asked me simple questions and I managed to get by and, for me, being passionate about medicine, it is a source of great pride”.
A three-day event, inaugurated by Verdone, to debate scientific innovations on the subject and to present the results that research is obtaining on various fronts. Starting from the study on rehabilitation with robots and the use of exoskeletons financed with tens of millions of euros by the Pnrr: “The study – explains Professor Carlo Ruosi, president of Sicv&Gis and professor of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, physical and rehabilitative medicine, at the Federico II of Naples – is coordinated by our University but involves the most prestigious Italian universities. It is therefore an important new frontier which, after having stabilized the patients’ spine, aims with the use of robots and exoskeletons. , to restore verticality and therefore to get patients back on their feet as early as possible. Unfortunately, exoskeletons still have a very high cost, but the Pnrr funds have allowed us to purchase a significant quantity”.
Results that are also being achieved thanks to the happy intuition of giving a common home to the most renowned Italian professionals in the field of pathology and spinal surgery coming from both the sectors of orthopaedics, neurosurgery and physiatry: “The spinal column once – stated Ruosi- it was considered by us orthopedists and physiatrists to be a very complicated topic while by neurosurgeons it was a sort of diminutio The idea of putting these sectors under one roof and the advent of new technologies and, in particular, of the use of Intelligence. artificial surgery have meant that, especially the new generations, they have found important stimuli to deepen the study of the spinal column. It is therefore no coincidence – he added – that of the 200 talks scheduled for our three days, over 80 will be given by neurosurgeons as well as. by orthopedists and physiatrists, a true cultural revolution which, in fact, is pushing research towards horizons that were unthinkable until recently. An achievement of great importance, considering that spinal cord injuries do not make any difference in age and can affect, due to road accidents, even young people who have a life ahead of them and who cultivate the desire to get back on their feet and return, if possible , to a longed-for normality”.
In addition to the study carried out thanks to Pnrr funds, during the Sicv&Gis Congress, another interesting experiment will be discussed: “We are working – underlined Ruosi – on the possibility of exploiting in some way the residual function of the injured spinal cord partially with the use of electrical stimulators. Bioengineers and doctors are working with the idea of connecting and fortifying, with supraliminal stimulations, the nerve fibers upstream with those downstream of the lesion. The objective, also in this case, is. aims to get patients destined to use wheelchairs back on their feet. These studies are certainly at an experimental stage but the first results are encouraging. We are not yet at the point of stating with certainty that this will happen in the short term but we are definitely on the right path A path that gives us a glimpse of the possibility of carrying out these stimulations directly on the brain in a future we don’t yet know how close, but not yet real.”
#Carlo #Verdone #debunks #myth #fault #rubbish #set