The rich and varied cast of My Hero Academia constitutes a constant source of inspiration for cosplayers, who love to impersonate the heroes and villains created by Kōhei Horikoshi. In view of the release of Season 7 of the anime, we offer you the Ochako Uraraka cosplay signed by Yuno.
Ochako Uraraka is a student at the prestigious Yuei High School, attended by those who aspire to become a hero, and one of the most prominent secondary characters in My Hero Academia. Known by her heroine nickname Uravity, she possesses the unique ability called Zero Gravity, which allows her to render people and objects weightless, levitating them, and causing them to fall violently to the ground simply by touching her fingertips.
#Hero #Academia #Yuno39s #Ochako #Uraraka #cosplay #cute