On February 27, 2024, a new Pokémon Presents aired, during which The Pokémon Company revealed a new chapter of the saga: Pokémon Legends ZA, scheduled for 2025. It is planned for Nintendo Switch, but considering the release period it is natural to think that it will also arrive on Nintendo's next console which according to rumors is scheduled for 2025.
This is another game in the series Pokémon Legends, which started with Arceus and is known for its slightly more “action” approach. In this case, it is a chapter linked to the X and Y saga. In fact, we can also see Luminopoli, a city in the Kalos region (inspired by France). Mega Evolutions should also return.
Video It doesn't show any real gameplay sequencesso we have no idea what the graphics of the game will be like and what we can expect, but we assume that new information about it will arrive throughout the year.
The few details from the Pokémon Presents trailer
The trailer for Pokémon Legends ZA mentions an “urban regeneration project” and the “dream of a splendid harmony between humans and Pokémon.”
Considering that we see the map of Lumiose City, we do not believe that it will be set in a distant past like Pokémon Legends Arceus, although it could be before the games architectural sketches, as if someone was designing the city.
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