Presidential elections | Video: Stubb voted in Westend, Haavisto in Kulosaari – These are the thoughts they had at the ballot box

Presidential candidates Alexander Stubb (kok) and supported by the Greens and the voters' association Pekka Haavisto have cast their votes in the presidential elections.

Stubb went to vote in Espoo's Westend at Westendinpuisto school at 10 in the morning with his spouse Suzanne Innes-Stubb.

After voting, Stubb assured that the jacket is not empty yet.

“Peaceful atmosphere. The campaign has been fair and good,” said Stubb.

He said he was going to brunch with friends next, after which he was supposed to take a nap.

“There are butterflies in the stomach before the h-moment. You have to wait until the evening.”

Stubb thanked his wife for her support and stated that this is his eighth election.

Stubbs arriving at Westendinpuisto school.

The voting booths were placed in the school gymnasium.

Alexander Stubb and Suzanne Innes-Stubb voting at Westendinpuisto school. The election officials are Soili Kosonen and Marko Ikävalko.

Stubby counter-candidate Haavisto voted at Kulosaari elementary school in Helsinki at noon together with his spouse by Antonio Flores with. After voting, Haavisto and Flores had coffee and a bun.

“The graduation ceremony was good. I have never seen such full election events as now,” Haavisto told HS.

“There has been an incredible feeling at the public meetings.”

Haavisto's campaign tour ended on Saturday in Tampere for Teiskontien Neste. Haavisto said that
there were so many people there that not everyone could fit into the gas station.

After voting, the candidate's day continues peacefully, according to Haavisto. He heads home and to the sauna, and in the evening there is an election event at Korjaamo.

The elections will elect the president of the republic for the term 2024–2030. The polling stations close on Sunday at 20:00.

Pekka Haavisto arrived at Kulosaari elementary school after noon.

Pekka Haavisto was accompanied by her husband Antonio Flores.

Election official Matleena Rytkönen stamped Pekka Haavisto's ballot at Kulosaaari elementary school.

Correction February 11, 2024 at 1:00 p.m.: Corrected the election official's name in the Kulosaari voting image. The photo shows Matleena Rytkönen, not Ilse Sahlberg, as the caption previously read.

Read more: Finland will elect its president today – This is how the election day will proceed

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