The children of the English city of Woooler, in Northumberland, have been Playing for years about a bomb cemetery of World War II. They have done it without knowing it, since above the artifacts a space was erected with swings so that the little ones could have fun.
It was when excavating in January in the area to build a completely inclusive playground when those responsible for the work found a bomb of World War II. After several days digging, They have located 176 and do not rule out finding moreaccording to the British television network BBC.
After the first finding, they discovered another device, and the Ministry of Defense said it was necessary to perform a complete inspection of the place. To clean the area, a specialized company dealt with the inspection and found 65 bombs on the first day of prospecting and 90 plus the second.
Located artifacts are practice pumps, which still contain a load. The reason for its presence seems to be, according to the residents of the city, that this area was used by the National Guard as Training field and that the explosive artifacts were buried at the end of the war.
«They are called practice bombs, so they are not active, but still They carry a load and met the fuse and the content intactso they could be dangerous. The story that the locals tell us is that Woooler was a National Guard training center and that the officers came here from the whole country, ”explained the conservative councilor Mather.
And he added: «It is quite strange to think that children have been playing on bombs and has been a really difficult situation. We have only cleaned one third of the entire park and We could still find another pit with more devices inside». Work is expected to continue at least until mid -February and it is not clear what will appear.
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