Research indicates that the commemorative date should generate R$25.56 billion; clothes are the most sought after items
Father’s Day is expected to generate R$25.56 billion in sales in 2024, as 68% of consumers – approximately 110.9 million people – intend to buy gifts for the commemorative date. The survey was conducted by CNDL (National Confederation of Shopkeepers) and by SPC Brazil (Credit Protection Service), in partnership with Offerwise Pesquisas. Here is the full (2 – MB).
According to respondents, 32% intend to spend more than in 2023, 35% the same amount and 19% want to spend less. Among those who intend to spend more, 56% want to buy better gifts, 27% believe that product prices are higher and 23% have seen an increase in their monthly income.
Among those who intend to spend less, 37% are in a difficult financial situation, 28% want to save, 14% are unemployed, 14% need to pay off outstanding debts and 12% have not managed to save money.
Seven out of 10 consumers (70%) believe that products are more expensive this year, while 24% are in the same price range and 7% think they are cheaper. The survey indicates that the average amount spent will be R$230 in total. Consumers intend to buy, on average, 1.6 gifts.
“The survey shows stability in spending compared to last year. Consumers are cautious and should do a lot of research before buying gifts.”stated the president of CNDL, José César da Costa.
The survey interviewed consumers from 27 Brazilian capitals, men and women, aged 18 or over, from all economic classes (excluding illiterates) who intend to make purchases for Father’s Day this year. The collection was carried out online and post-weighted by sex, age, state and income.
In total, 928 people were interviewed to identify the percentage of people who intended to buy gifts for Father’s Day. Then, 642 people continued to answer the questionnaire, only those who intended to buy for this date. Resulting, respectively, in an overall margin of error of 3.2 pp and 3.9 pp for a 95% confidence interval.
The survey showed that the majority of consumers (78%) intend to research prices to save money before making their Father’s Day purchases, with the majority using websites/apps (65%), social networks (41%) and shopping malls (35%).
Just like in 2023, clothing accounts for the majority of purchasing intentions for the date (47%), followed by perfumes and cosmetics (35%), footwear (27%) and accessories (21%), such as socks, belts, glasses, wallets and watches.
Most consumers (75%) intend to pay for the gift in cash, mainly using Pix (38%) and debit card (21%). On the other hand, 34% intend to pay in installments, with a focus on credit card (31%). Among those who intend to pay in installments, 30% intend to pay in 3 installments and 22% in 4 installments. On average, 4 installments will be made.
The survey also shows that 81% intend to pay for the gift(s) themselves, while 14% will share, mainly with brothers/sisters (35%), their spouse (26%) and children (21%). Among those who intend to share the payment for the gift(s), 35% say it is a way to reduce expenses, 19% are short of money and 17% want to give a better/more expensive gift.
Among those interviewed, 59% want to give a gift to their own father, 19% to their husband, 11% to their children’s father and 8% to their brother.
The majority of respondents (69%) intend to make their purchases through physical channels, mainly in shopping malls (28%), department stores (15%) and popular shopping malls (14%). However, 40% intend to buy online, mainly through apps (71%), websites (59%) and Instagram (17%).
Among those who will make purchases on websites and online stores, 57% will use international retail websites, 38% will use national retailers and 35% will buy and sell new or used products.
According to respondents, the main reasons for buying gifts on international retail websites are: low price (73%), greater variety of products (46%), cost savings (37%) and product quality (32%).
When it comes to factors that influence the place of purchase: 48% highlight price, 36% product quality, 31% promotions and discounts and 25% free shipping.
The main place to celebrate the date will be at home (37%), followed by their father’s house (36%) and 8% intend to have lunch out.
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